Adult friendships

Adult friendships

Ah, adulthood - the magical realm where making friends seems about as easy as understanding the stock market. Am I the only one that thinks about making friends in adulthood?

I’ve been thinking recently, of my most recent best friends I met one on Bumble, another at a networking event and one slid into my DMs on Instagram

Sometimes, I want to make new connections, expand my circle and meet new people because you never know where a connection can lead.

So here are my points for making new connections since my quest for new friends.

Step 1: You need to be Outside

First things first, I unleash my inner social butterfly. I mean, who needs a cocoon when there are parties, gatherings, and social events to attend? I RSVP 'yes' to everything that comes my way, even if it's a cat's birthday party (because you never know who might show up with an epic sense of humour).

Step 2: The Marvel of Meetups is my best friend. It's like a treasure chest of people with shared interests. I am getting into new hobbies and found one for black girls who swim and cycle together! There were also others like hiking, cooking, reading, you name it, there's a meetup for it. I join groups that interest me and voila! Instant friends with similar passions.

Step 3: The Cozy Café/Hotel Chronicles

I'm a big fan of coffee shops - and not just for the caffeine fix. Twice a week I am in London working from a coffee shop. You can choose any that you like but I particularly love the ones inside five-star hotels or private members clubs ( Yes I know I am extra) I love the atmosphere and it really motivates me with my work! You can opt for a Pret, Starbucks, or whatever coffee shop and see who you bump into.

Step 4: Mummy Meet ups

If you have a baby or toddler, there are so many groups out there. you can meet a local mummy and your child gets to play with new friends too! win-win.

Step 5: Do Good, Feel Good

Volunteering is my secret weapon for making friends with heart. Whether it's helping at a local shelter or organising a neighbourhood cleanup, doing good deeds bonds you with like-minded souls. I used to do this particularly with church activities which I really need to get back to.

Step 6: The Power of 'Yes'

I make a conscious effort to say 'yes' to invitations and opportunities. Sometimes, the most fantastic friendships bloom from unexpected places. So, even if it's something I've never tried before, I take the plunge. (I met my husband by saying yes randomly so you never know)

Step 7: Slide in the DMs

Lastly, social media! Yep, I make friends there. You ever see someone’s insta or tik Tok and think “Wow, we like the same things” That’s me, if I see a person I connect with, I follow, engage with content and slide in the DMs, it’s more fun when you put the social in social media. Don’t be a passive user, there are tons of great people on there.

In the end, making friends as an adult is like discovering a hidden treasure chest. It's about seizing opportunities, being open to new experiences, and most importantly, having fun along the way. So, put on your friendship cape, be your authentic self, and let the adventure of adult friendships begin!