5 Impactful tips for styling your next event

5 Impactful tips for styling your next event

When it comes to styling your event, there are a few things that set your design apart. whether you are throwing a baby shower for your friend, designing your wedding or planning a lavish dinner party at home, knowing how to style your event will leave your guests stunned and wanting more!

Know your guest

You need to clearly define your event and know who you are inviting. Guest experience is at the heart of every event, it shows that you care and have planned everything with the guest in mind.

Set a clear colour palette

colours are everything! pick ones that suit the event and are complimentary, no one likes clashing or overly stimulating colours. I like to use things like colour theory or a colour wheel to make sure the look will be cohesive and appropriate for the event.

Keep it simple

Simple but impactful! that’s what I always say and my clients have loved every single design. Keeping it simple maintains focus on what is important. Avoid clashing silhouettes, metals and overly loud accents as this can confuse the mind and cheapen the look.

Keep it appropriate for the occasion

This is so important. if it is a baby shower, keep the design appropriate, you wouldn’t want a design that confuses the guests and isn’t true to the event. Pinterest is such a great way to get inspo ideas for what works and aesthetics for the different event

Make it Fun

Keep the design fresh with personalised items so guests know you went that extra mile to think of them. It keeps it fun for you.