WeddingsPhilo Newton

Traditional Wedding

WeddingsPhilo Newton
Traditional Wedding

Why Traditional Weddings are elite

I was never one to want a traditional wedding, I am sad to say that I used to wait for the white wedding ceremony, the white dress, the flowers and everything! Never really gave a second thought to the traditional wedding.

But one day in 2020 as I wrote my book I delved into the meaning and heritage of the African Traditional Wedding and WOW.

I started to ask myself about who would I be had my ancestors not gone through the very aspects of traditional weddings that have happened for generations.

Why We have traditional and White weddings

Like many things in modern society, it comes down to colonialism. We have two weddings because essentially when colonised, our ways were not recognised and we were introduced to the ways of our colonisers. 

A bit deep I know but that’s something we cannot ignore.

Now I love a white wedding. I really do, so much so that my life work has been planning them and helping the most amazing couples to plan the most spectacular of celebrations. But I can’t help but dive into the beauty of cultural traditional weddings.

Whether you are from East, North or West Africa, your traditional wedding is your connection to who you are. The customs are not accidental. The clothes are not by chance. It is all designed with a beautiful union between two families in mind.

So here’s to Traditional weddings. To never leaving our roots and showing honour our traditions and family above all else.