Philo NewtonLondon

Happiness post Covid

Philo NewtonLondon
 Happiness post Covid

With lockdown easing in London and the world slowly getting back to how it was pre Covid, I can’t help but look at what lockdown has taught me about myself, my relationships and how I view happiness.

Happiness is something I have never really sat down to examine, I don’t recall having to sit down and ask myself about what makes me happy or how I see it but through Lockdown and finding myself with more time on my hands than ever before ( I mean what else was there? there is only so much Netflix one can binge on!) I sat down and asked myself about the key to happiness.

Most of us probably don’t believe we need a formal definition of happiness; we know it when we feel it, and we often use the term to describe positive emotions like joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude. 

In manifesting the life I want and getting it all down in my gratitude journal, I find myself feeling happy for the little things. Things like my House, my sheets and even the birds outside. I am the person on the street who laughs with strangers babies and loves a cute dog. I find happiness in material things such as my favourite pair of shoes or grabbing a cocktail with my ladies. But during lockdown I have learned to appreciate things I took for granted.

Happiness in being together

Now more than ever we all value closeness, little things such as having friends over or even a hug.

Happiness in being able to move freely

Before covid we could book a holiday, take a trip, visit a spa or even a restaurant at anytime we wanted. next time we get a chance.

Happiness in taking the train to work

Remember the London Underground? Packed trains? We all complained here and there about rush hour and having to always be rushing. Let’s find happiness in connecting, in seeing our colleagues and friends and just being able to be surrounded by others without fear.