5 Business lessons

5 Business lessons

5 Lessons I learnt from running my business

I remember starting my events planning and design journey back in 2013 after giving birth to my son. I had dreams of planning large 6-figure plus weddings and parties, I had plans of working with high-end clients and celebrities and of designing beautiful rooms and receptions.

After planning dozens of weddings, Parties and events, I can say I have arrived and exceeded my dreams from all those years ago.

Has it been easy?

Absolutely not! I have met some wonderful people, some not-so-wonderful ones and vendors that would shock you with their unprofessionalism. I have had weddings go bang on time, things go right according to plan and ones where things basically had to change and we had to adapt. But with all of them I have learnt a few valuable lessons, I won't ever forget.

1- The wrong client will teach you more about yourself than the right client

It's a sad fact of human nature that in 100 great experiences, the one bad one will have a greater impact on you if you allow it to. With my not-so-good clients, I have learnt the importance of trusting your instincts. I knew all along they were wrong for me but was clouded by a number of factors or carrying on with the project because I didn't want to quit.

But I should have. There is power in walking away from what is not working because staying has far greater consequences than leaving.

2- I can do and be anything

I started in this industry with no contacts and no connections. I didn't even know this was a real job! once I delved into the world of Luxury Events and Weddings, My mind was blown! I was hooked and knew I had found my passion. I worked hard to make connections, put myself out there and honed in on what I knew was a great path for me.

Working on my events has given me a great sense of confidence in myself. I can do absolutely anything I set myself to do and I will do it at a top level. I honestly love that for me.

3- Relationships are the key to success

I know we hear this all the time but seriously, it is my relationships that have carried me all these years. I have industry friends I will call and just cry to, ones who will just pray over me and my business and ones with who we sit down and strategise together.

Without them, I would have been lonely on this journey. I would have given up years ago and would have frankly lost my mind by now.

So foster your relationships, be there for people, be encouraging and always come from a place of service.

I can say I have met lifelong friendships through events and for that I am grateful.

4- Keep your integrity

I would like to know that whatever someone has to say about me or the opinions they hold, no one can say I lack integrity. I have worked to maintain it and have lost thousands in the name of keeping my name and integrity clear.

I will continue to work with honesty, owning up to where I have gone wrong and not being afraid to be wrong and pivoting.

5- Not everyone's intentions are pure

I have learnt this the hard way. Not everyone is kind, not everyone means what they say and not everyone's motivations are pure.

I didn't let this close me up to new relationships and connections but it was always at the back of my mind. People are self-serving and that is ok, we all want to succeed but it needs to be a win-win. If someone wants to "pick my brian' that is ok sometimes. If they want a contact I have, why not, I will ask permission and pass on the contact.

I am still learning these lessons today and will continue learning as I venture into the world of Global events. I am proud of myself and don't tell myself enough so I will write it here as I speak with you.