Vapianos inspired

Some days call for a quick and delicious meal and one of my go to’s is this Vapiano’s inspired pasta with king Prawns

PREP TIME 10 mins


IN TOTAL 25 mins



  • Multi-chopper / mortar or blender


For the pesto

  • 3 pots of fresh basil

  • 2 tbsp water

  • 80 g pine nuts

  • 40g Parmesan _

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • pinch of salt

For pasta & sauce

  • 300 g pasta of your choice Here Spaghetti was used

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 20 Large Raw king prawns

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • 120 ml single cream

  • 4 tablespoons of pesto

  • 100 g cherry tomatoes

  • 100 g fresh baby spinach

  • 50g Parmesan _

  • Salt

  • pepper

  • 5 Chillies


  • For the pesto, cut off the basil leaves, wash and dry well. Chop together with the water in a food processor. Alternatively, the entire pesto can also be processed in a large mortar or with the help of a hand blender. Roast the pine nuts without fat in a pan over medium heat and add to the basil with the grated parmesan, pressed garlic and olive oil. Process everything in the food processor to a fine paste and season with a little salt. Put aside.

  • Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil and cook noodles in it for about 12 minutes until al dente. Drain and set aside.

  • For the sauce, heat the olive oil in a large, coated pan and lightly fry the prawns until cooked. Add pressed garlic and sauté briefly. Add with cream and stir in pesto. Boil briefly then add in some grates parmesan to the mix along with some chilli if you want a kick. Wash the cherry tomatoes and baby spinach and dry well. Halve the cherry tomatoes and stir into the sauce along with the spinach. Simmer for 5 minutes.

  • Then add the noodles and mix everything together. Add Chillies to taste and serve with some freshly grated Parmesan and enjoy


Tip: The rest of the pesto also tastes great as a filling in puff pastry or simply with classic spaghetti. It can be stored tightly closed in the refrigerator for about 1 week.