Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband

Letters to my Future Husband

For the past 4 years, I have written letters to my future husband. A nameless faceless man that I felt love for a way before our meeting. 39 letters later and he now has a name and a face! below I share one letter in the hope to inspire you to write your own.

( ps, please excuse any typos- these are the original letters and updating would change the time stamp on them)



Written 10 September 2018- 08:26am

Good morning my darling.

So just now I almost had a head on collision that by God’s Grace I swerved!

I am preoccupied, my mind is racing with a million problems but by God’s Grace I shall get through it.  How are you my love? I declare that today will be a day of prosperity. Today you will laugh. You will celebrate and you will be happy. 

I declare today that all you touch shall be blessed. I need you right about now. I really do. I need our conversations, I need your hugs. I need your love and encouragement. I need you to hold me and to kiss me. I need you. 

This morning was hard but I shall get through it. I need you so if you are around London Bridge today would be a great day to meet you. 


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Dear Future Husband- Philo Newton
Philo Newton
Philo Loves - Philo